My company is no different in that it's evolving alongside me as an individual. Last September, I embarked on an adventure with Annie Franceschi of Greatest Story Creative to refine the verbiage I use in explaining how Organize for Success® helps busy, multi-passionate business owners, executives and teams clarify their priorities and, then, efficiently accomplish what matters most. Part of that process was a new website with more clearly defined colors and a new logo.
The website will, of course, be continually evolving, including updates to each of my books and online courses. Yet, the most important detail right now for you as my blog's reader is to know that the blog has moved. Thus, from this point forward, you can find updates on Tips to Organize for Success at I look forward to seeing you there, sharing all sorts of tips, tidbits, best practices and tools to help you while continuing our conversations about all things related to productivity, helping you to efficiently work toward effectively achieving results desired for all elements of your life. See you over there soon!