Brought To You By Emily Parks
Productivity Consultant at Organize For Success, LLC...
Helping You Make Every Minute Matter!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Don't Be Rude; Schedule Time For What Matters

One way to truly make every minute matter is to "schedule your priorities". At its truest essence, this means you identify the essential and eliminate the rest. However, there's much more to this than simply eliminating that which does not work towards achieving your desired results nor aligns with your priorities.

Here's the scenario: As our lives get busier or we find ourselves drowning amidst the information avalanche, folks are choosing to be rude, whether consciously or not. A friend, acquaintance or colleague sends you a text, messages you via social media, emails you or calls you with a particular question. She wants to see if you can join her for an event or he needs your help on something specific. Yet, you are overwhelmed by all that is going on in your life, and you either never respond or it takes you days to get back to that person, often making her wait to proceed, missing a deadline to get registered or having the event sellout before you get tickets.

Don't be rude... When you schedule your priorities, it means you make time for what matters. If you delay responding to requests for your time or simply disregard them completely, you are telling the other person that he or she does not really matter to you. Maybe that person is not one of your priorities, which is why you aren't able to find time in your schedule for getting together; eventually, he or she will gather your message about not being important to you, but do you really want the way in which you conveyed that message to reflect poorly on you?

Instead, be upfront about your time limitations and that you have to focus your limited time elsewhere. Maybe you have a short-term project that is really draining your resources, which is something you can share as a specific time drain; however, it could simply be that your interests have changed. Whatever your situation, don't avoid confrontation; be straightforward and professional as you explain that you cannot make time for getting together.

On the other hand, if you come away from experiences with any one person thinking "wow... I really enjoyed that time" or "that was so much fun", maybe you need to rethink how much of a priority that person is and find time in your schedule to invest in that relationship. Sometimes, keeping it low-key and casual makes finding time for a relationship much easier. If you don't have time for going out, could you have a cup of coffee or glass of wine at one of your homes? Could you combine a Zumba class or walk through the park with catching up? Maybe you'd like to video chat via FaceTime, Google+ Hangouts, ooVoo, Skype or Tango

Take action... Is there someone you need to reply to about not being about to get together? Is there a lingering request that needs your attention? Is there someone with whom you need to schedule time for catching up?

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